Getting to know Maisie Axon, Group Sustainability Manager
Meet the people behind our success as we unveil the stories, passions, and expertise of our dedicated team. Discover how their experience enables us to become a trusted environmental services partner for clients across the UK. This time, let's get to know Maisie Axon, Group Sustainability Manager.

How did you become a sustainability manager?
I started out by getting a good foundational knowledge of climate science and sustainability through my master’s degree in environmental sustainability.
But it was my first job working at a company supporting their sustainability managers where I was able to put that into practice. During that time, I learnt how to tackle topics like decarbonisation or social value in a big corporate environment.
After that, I joined Adler and Allan as a Senior Sustainability Consultant, where I helped other businesses to work towards their decarbonisation and energy efficiency goals. This was a great opportunity because it allowed me to see how different businesses approach similar sustainability challenges. Whilst working in the consultancy team I took part in the internal development of our ESG strategy, and this led to me taking on the role of putting the plan into action.
What does sustainability and ESG mean?
There are a lot of different definitions for sustainability and ESG, so it can feel like a bit of a minefield sometimes.
I understand sustainability as action that creates long-lasting positive impact for people and the planet.
Corporate sustainability is often referred to as ESG. ESG stands for environment, social and governance. These are the three ingredients you need to consider when thinking how to act sustainably as a business.
What is Adler and Allan's ESG strategy and why it has been developed?
The ESG strategy is really an extension of what we do for our clients.
We wanted to approach the strategy as a way of ensuring that we are as strong internally in terms of ESG as our support is externally. To do that, it meant reviewing where we are as a Group currently, and putting a plan together to achieve where we want to be over the next few years.
The strategy covers all three pillars of sustainability: environmental, social, and governance.
This year, I will be working heavily on decarbonisation and climate risk in the environmental category. Social topics such as employee engagement and diversity and inclusion are being led by Carla Murray, our HR Director. However none of this can be achieved without strong and transparent governance, and for that reason we are also developing areas such as business ethics and cyber security.
What are you looking for your colleagues to do to help with sustainability effort?
The most important thing is that everyone in the business feels connected to the ESG strategy.
Sustainability isn’t something that can happen in isolation to the rest of the business; it touches every department and every person. Therefore, it is crucial that our people are not only aware of what we are doing for ESG, but also feel proud of our action. The first thing that anyone can do is to read the ESG strategy, and to let me, or anyone else in the ESG action group, know their thoughts.
What are your hobbies and interests?
I love sport and exercise. I play lacrosse for my local team, which is a big sport here in Manchester.
I also love gardening, which is a much gentler hobby. I have a tiny patio at my house that I am slowly filling with potted plants, but only have about a 60% survival rate at the moment!
What’s next for you?
2024 is what is next! It is going to be a very busy year for the ESG action group; we have a lot to get done, but I can’t wait to get started.
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