Oil and fuel spill response
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Fast and effective oil and fuel spill clean-up to protect the environment and your operations.
Oil and fuel spills can damage the environment, your reputation, and your business, not to mention put you in serious breach of environmental and pollution legislation. So whenever or wherever one occurs, from a forecourt to a ship at sea, it’s vital to act fast.
Every minute counts!
We understand exactly why speed is of the essence because we’ve seen the impact delays can have.
That’s why we’re available 24/7-365, to effectively stop, contain and clean up fuel spills in water and on land.
We’re the only UK emergency response organisation with the expert hydrocarbon knowledge and breadth of services to deal with every aspect of your emergency and minimise the impact.
Experience on site, when you need it most
Whether the spill is over ground, underground or in a marine, freshwater or ground water environment, trust us to take command of the situation and bring things under control.
With product and scenario-specific training from gas monitoring to tanker rollovers, our teams react rapidly to changing situations, adapting, and modifying the response operations accordingly.
Minimising operational downtime
We know business downtime is expensive, so with the least possible disruption, we’ll get you back up and running as quickly as possible. We’ll remain on site, advising, monitoring, and overseeing the clean-up phase, until we’re 100% confident your site is free from hazardous products and safe for your team to return.
We’ll then continue monitoring, comparing current levels to baseline levels of non-pollution, for as long as necessary to ensure not only is there no further pollution in the ground, but to satisfy the regulators that the remediation process has been effective.
Keeping you informed
Throughout every phase we’ll keep you informed and involved in decisions, presenting you with the options and sharing our knowledge so you can make educated choices and stay in control of the situation.
Added value





Our history in the hydrocarbon market, coupled with continued investment in training, equipment and development means we can deal with spills of fuel/aviation fuel, oil, petroleum, diesel and kerosene and other oil-based substances, including new biofuels.
Specialist knowledge
Our expertise means we understand hydrocarbons and their properties, and the implications in the event of a spill.
The type of fuel, its temperature and the weather conditions will affect the viscosity of the fuel, how far it may spread and its likely impact on the environment.
In addition, new ethanol-based biofuels react differently to petroleum-based products, especially in water where biofuels are more likely to disperse within the water column rather than remaining on top. Our knowledge of these new fuel properties mean we can design a solution to remove them safely from any environment.
Specialist response
As one of the only pollutants that floats on water, oil and petroleum-based fuel spills are tackled in a specific way, with specialist equipment relevant to the environment. In a marine or freshwater environment this includes booms, pumps, and skimmers to contain the spill and recover it. Biofuel spills require a different approach, more similar to a hazmat incident response.
On land, our response varies according to the ground type and topography. Containment booms, absorbent granules, and interception trenches may all be used depending on the size of the spill and whether it’s contained on impermeable ground or has the potential to seep into the earth, or enter drains and watercourses.
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