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Working towards a CSO-free future

Changing perceptions and proving progress across the UK water industry

Published: 5 January 2023 | Download white paper

The water industry is investing billions to end sewage pollution from CSOs, but regulators and the public want quicker progress and clearer commitment.

In the run-up to PR24, water companies need practical ways to demonstrate success, build trust, and educate stakeholders about their role in reducing CSO reliance.

Smart technology is the way forward for the sector, but accurate data and monitoring, targeted asset maintenance, and a collaborative approach to spill prevention can change perceptions and achieve tangible advancements in the short term.

Download this white paper to find out about cost-effective solutions and outreach programmes that deliver visible results for right now – and longer-range innovations and investments for a CSO-free future.

Interpreting the stats behind your sewage spills can help predict and prevent future pollution events.

More about this white paper

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