Changes to ESOS reporting system and compliance notification deadline extended to 6 August 2024
Published: 16 April 2024
The Environment Agency (EA) have recently announced that the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) reporting system will be released in two stages as opposed to the initial approach, which consisted of only one notification stage.
The first stage of the Manage your Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (MESOS) system opened on 19 March and allows companies to register their ESOS phase 3 user and organisational accounts ahead of the second stage, which is notification of compliance. It is anticipated that the second stage of the compliance process will be released in late April, therefore organisations cannot upload their ESOS submissions until this second stage is opened.
Due to the new two-stage reporting system not being fully operational until late April, the Environment Agency have announced that, while the deadline for ESOS compliance remains the 5 June 2024, no enforcement action will be taken against organisations until 6 August 2024. Organisations must register their account(s) on the new reporting system by 5 June 2024 and subsequently complete all appropriate auditing and reporting requirements.
This enforcement extension effectively provides organisations with a two-month extension to the ESOS compliance date, providing they have completed their registration on the new reporting portal.
What is ESOS?
The government’s Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) aims to boost the energy efficiency of UK businesses. It’s a mandatory programme that applies to larger UK companies with a specified turnover and headcount.
As part of ESOS, qualifying businesses must track and report energy usage across their buildings, processes, and transport. They’re also encouraged to find cost-effective ways to cut consumption.
The scheme runs in four-year phases. We’re currently in phase 3, and the countdown to compliance has begun.
Find out more information about ESOS here, and discover how how Adler and Allan can support your organisation to comply.
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